The Professional Alternative to RESNET®

Indoor airPLUS
Zero Energy Ready Home (ZERH)

Do you just do energy code compliance work…or want to?

Do you do ratings for ENERGY STAR, Indoor airPLUS, or Zero Energy Ready Home projects…or want to start?

Or are you a RESNET® Provider?

Professional energy raters help builders figure out the complex paths to energy code compliance. They not only understand the energy codes, they understand the building science of the interactions between materials and their environment and what works…and what doesn’t.

Integrity is critical to this profession. When an unscrupulous energy rater chooses to pass a house that didn’t meet the energy code and builder specifications, they expose their client, the builder, to legal and financial risks…and risk to the builder’s reputation.

That’s why professional energy raters like our clients insist on protecting their client through rigorous verifications and testing.

And they rely on BSI to help them maintain their integrity, as well as provide training, technical support, business-building assistance, and quality improvements to how they do the business of ratings.

Because of the professionalism of our clients, BSI uses a process to help weed out the unscrupulous scoundrels, and the incompetent. We know it takes an effort to join us, and we know that everything worth having takes effort.

Our unique home energy rating system fuses national standards for energy ratings and audits with international standards for quality management. And our system is transparent with full accountability.

In case you’re wondering…BSI is responsible and accountable for everything that happens in our home energy rating system.

We might be a small number two in the industry, as the second Home Certification Organization recognized nationally by the US EPA and US DOE, but that only makes us work smarter.

We don’t try. We get things done.

We developed over 40 templates to help our clients better manage their businesses, created a field training manual for their employees, produced well over 60 hours of training available online, and facilitate meetings that benefit our clients.

And we haven’t stopped as we develop new services our clients can offer.

The choice is yours.

You can stay where you are, or you can join BSI and experience what you’ve been missing.

It’s up to you!

All you need to do to start is fill out your application today!

While most of our clients do code compliance work, about 20% work with the ENERGY STAR®, Indoor airPLUS, and Zero Energy Ready Home programs.

Many of these companies started doing ratings in a different home energy rating system. A much different one…

We know their previous decision was the correct one at the time they made it. Especially since it was their only choice at the time.

And, given the evidence and information they had at the time, we understand those choices were the right ones to make.

Now, however, they do have a choice with BSI.

And smart businesspeople always look at the alternatives to what they’re doing so they can find a better way to do their work in alignment with their values and goals.

As an intelligent business owner, you’d agree that a Home Certification Organization should help their clients build better businesses to ensure the integrity of certification programs, wouldn’t you?

A better business built on professionalism, integrity, and transparency?

Especially now that the US EPA ENERGY STAR, Indoor airPLUS, and US DOE Zero Energy Ready Home program certifications are part of tax law.

Charlatans, scallywags, and incompetents can face civil and criminal penalties for failure to follow the rules.

If their Home Certification Organization does its job, they can no longer get away with drive-by “inspections”, fabricated test results, and wildly incomplete documentation.

Now, the clown show should be over…

We use a rigorous vetting process with our clients to prevent scoundrels, charlatans, scallywags, incompetents, and clowns from joining our tribe of professional clients.

That’s one of many things our clients appreciate about BSI.

Not only do we provide them a transparent home energy rating system with professional quality management oversight, we help them build better businesses with their peers and colleagues along the way.

After all, the point of quality management is quality improvements…in everything.

Not just the technical side of your business, but your whole business.

Because if we only helped them improve the work they do, and not their business that does that work, then we’ve only addressed a small portion of the problem.

For the first time, you have a choice. 

You can now choose to join the professional clients of BSI, where we provide you with training, technical support, a tribe of like-minded business owners, transparency, and integrity.

It’s up to you!

The choice is yours to experience what you’ve been missing.

All you need to do to start is complete your application today.

Only about 6% of our clients are Providers with our competitor.

While we believe people should have the freedom to choose who they do business with, and how much…

It’s a shame that businesspeople have a legitimate fear of retaliation against them in this industry.

Particularly if those responsible for providing quality management oversight fail to do their job, and issue excuses instead of penalties when their clients engage in bad behavior.

The first key action when you make a mistake is to admit you made a mistake. The second key action is to fix it.

Not deny a mistake was made or attempt to cover it up.

In BSI’s home energy rating system, we help our clients build better businesses. Along the way, we discover mistakes they make and we help them fix them.

We do the same ourselves.

We admit when we make mistakes, and we fix them.

Just like our clients.

Key to this is the trust built between our clients and BSI.

Our clients trust we act in their best interest as we help them, and we trust our clients as they work on solutions with us.

Trust requires clear communication that is useful.

Those few clients we have that play in both worlds…

Trust us.

Even though we aren’t as big as our competitor and aren’t sitting on millions of our clients’ dollars.

We don’t have the money to lobby for a proprietary rating system instead of the national standards the federal programs are required to reference.

We don’t have the money to put on conferences and pay for parties.

Our clients don’t seem to mind.

They trust us to do the right thing.

Which we do.

You have a choice to make.

You can choose to join BSI and experience what you’ve been missing like your peers have…

Or you can choose to stay where you are and miss out on working with a great tribe of people who share a common interest in integrity, professionalism, and transparency.

After all, with BSI, what’s on the label is in the house and what’s in the house is on the label.

It’s your choice!

To get started with BSI, fill out your application today!

When Professionals Choose, They Choose BSI