In BSI’s innovative home energy rating system, we know builders need quality data to make timely decisions.

It isn’t about the quantity…

We use a data quality scoring method published by the American Society for Quality (ASQ), the global leader in Quality since 1946.

While amateurs turn to Indeed or other job-hunting sites to learn about quality management, we are members of ASQ, the ANSI partner for quality standards.

That’s one of the many differences between our professional home energy rating system and our competitor’s.

We know that builders need data that is consistent. That’s why our software only uses the EnergyPlus OS-ERI calculation engine.

HouseRater™ and BSI have built in more than 400 data validation and reasonability checks which couples advanced algorithms with human reviews to ensure our data is consistent.

As Neil Kruis has stated in more than one public presentation, “Someone with three rating software tools is never sure what the HERS® index is.”

He should know. Neil is the RESNET® Energy Modeling Director.

Software inconsistency has been a known problem for many years.

So has rater inconsistency.

We know we could do better.

And we have.

Our professional home energy rating system produces data that is useful.

Data with a pedigree that you can trust.

As we move forward, we publish our data quality scores right here for the whole world to see.

Good, bad, or ugly.


Because we believe in transparency and integrity.

Here are the 17 data quality metrics.

  1. Reliability
  2. Timeliness
  3. Validity
  4. Compliance/Conformance
  5. Accuracy
  6. Completeness
  7. Consistency
  8. Integrity
  9. Data Pedigree
  10. Objectivity
  11. Uniqueness
  12. Credibility
  13. Trustworthiness
  14. Believability
  15. Reputation
  16. Accessibility
  17. Ease of Operation

This is just one more BSI innovation that brings professional quality management to home energy rating systems.