Find Verifiers under the Building Science Institute, Ltd. Co.
How to use the Search Function:
- Search function is NOT case sensitive
- Entering information in the “Keyword Search” field searches against all fields
- Ex. If you enter “Bryan”, results will include people with the name of “Bryan”, as well as any Verifier located in a city called “Bryan”.
- Verifier Name:
- Ex. Select “Contains” from the dropdown and enter first or last name of the Verifier – “Kevin”
- Address:
- Ex. Select “Contains” from the dropdown and enter the postal abbreviation for the state – “TX”
- Verifier Organization:
- Ex. Select “Contains” from the dropdown and enter a word from the Verification Organization’s name
- Verifier ID Number:
- Ex. Select “Contains” from the dropdown and enter the ID number for a specific Verifier
- Verifier Certification Status:
- Ex. Select “Is” from the dropdown and enter “Good Standing”, “Probation”, or “Suspension” to search for Verifiers that meet the certification status
- Certified for ENERGY STAR® Single-Family New Construction Program?:
- Ex. Select “Is” from the dropdown and enter “Yes” or “No” depending on your need
- Certified for ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction Program?:
- Ex. Select “Is” from the dropdown and enter “Yes” or “No” depending on your need
- Certification Type:
- Ex. Select “Is” from the dropdown and enter the title of the certification – e.g. “Energy Code Compliance Specialist”
How is the BSI Certification System Structured?
BSI’s training and certification system is structured through three parallel career paths, each with different tiers of capabilities.
Career Paths
Field Verifiers are responsible for field testing and data collection, verifying the dwelling unit’s as-built condition.
Software Analysts are responsible for creating energy model templates, modifying energy models, running software analyses, and verifying the energy model complies with the as-built condition (which was inspected by the Field Verifier or Verifier).
The Verifier is responsible for all of the above, as well as holding overall responsibility that projects meet the program requirements.
If someone initially earns a Field Verifier certification, they can simply meet the outstanding prerequisites and earn the full Verifier certification. The same applies for Software Analysts.
Tiers of Capabilities
BSI’s career paths are structured with progressively complex (not complicated) programs.
The first tier is explicitly geared toward being able to show compliance with the energy code, as well as performing your standard home energy rating (whether for code or through BSI’s innovative home energy rating system).
The second tier is ENERGY STAR Level 1, which indicates the individual has successfully completed the ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Construction workshop and passed the requisite exam.
The third tier is ENERGY STAR Level 2, which indicates the individual has successfully completed the ENERGY STAR Multifamily New Construction workshop and passed the requisite exam.
The fourth tier is Zero Energy Ready Home Level 1. Verifiers must have completed the Orientation Training for the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Single-Family program.
The fifth tier is Zero Energy Ready Home Level 2. Verifiers with this certificate have completed the Orientation Training for the DOE Zero Energy Ready Home Multifamily program.

Our BSI Verifier family of certifications are U.S. Department of Energy-recognized as Energy Skilled:
- Energy Code Compliance Specialist
- ENERGY STAR Verifier
- Zero Energy Ready Home Verifier
Find other Energy Skilled certifications here:
Quality Assessor/Quality Assessment Designee
True North Quality Management Services Quality Assessors credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform external quality management conformance assessments for conformance with ENERGY STAR® New Homes program requirements, ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019, ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020, ANSI/ACCA Standard 12-2018, and Building Science Institute policies and processes.
Quality Assessment Designees credentialed by the Building Science Institute are direct employees of verification organizations and are qualified to perform internal quality management conformance assessments for conformance with ENERGY STAR® New Homes program requirements, ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, ANSI/RESNET/ICC 380-2019, ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020, ANSI/ACCA Standard 12-2018, and Building Science Institute policies and processes.
ENERGY STAR Verifier Level 1
ENERGY STAR Verifiers Level 1 credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform verifications, testing, and software analysis for the ENERGY STAR New Homes Single Family program; perform verifications, testing, and software analysis in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform inspections, testing, and software analysis for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance paths.
ENERGY STAR Verifier Level 2
ENERGY STAR Verifiers Level 2 credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform verifications, testing, and software analysis for the ENERGY STAR New Homes Single & Multi Family programs; perform verifications, testing, and software analysis in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform inspections, testing, and software analysis for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance paths.
ENERGY STAR Software Analyst Level 1
ENERGY STAR Software Analysts Level 1 credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform software analysis for the ENERGY STAR New Homes Single Family program; perform software analysis in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301- 2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform software analysis for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform verifications, inspections, and testing and must work with a qualified Verifier/Field Verifier credentialed by the Building Science Institute.
ENERGY STAR Software Analyst Level 2
ENERGY STAR Software Analysts Level 2 credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform software analysis for the ENERGY STAR New Homes Single & Multi Family programs; perform software analysis in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301- 2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform software analysis for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform verifications, inspections, and testing and must work with a qualified Verifier/Field Verifier credentialed by the Building Science Institute.
ENERGY STAR Field Verifier Level 1
ENERGY STAR Field Verifiers Level 1 credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform verifications and testing for the ENERGY STAR New Homes Single Family program; perform verifications and testing in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform inspections and testing for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform software analysis and must work with a qualified Software Analyst credentialed by the Building Science Institute.
ENERGY STAR Field Verifier Level 2
ENERGY STAR Field Verifiers Level 2 credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform verifications and testing for the ENERGY STAR New Homes Single & Multi Family programs; perform verifications and testing in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform inspections and testing for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and Energy Rating Index (ERI) compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform software analysis and must work with a qualified Software Analyst credentialed by the Building Science Institute.
Energy Code Compliance Specialist
Energy Code Compliance Specialists credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform verifications, testing, and software analysis in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform inspections, testing, and software analysis for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and ERI compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform verifications, testing, or software analysis on ENERGY STAR certified homes.
Energy Code Software Analyst
Energy Code Software Analysts credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform software analysis in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform software analysis for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and ERI compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform verifications, testing, or software analysis on ENERGY STAR certified homes.
Energy Code Field Verifier
Energy Code Field Verifiers credentialed by the Building Science Institute are qualified to perform verifications and testing in conformance with ANSI/RESNET/ICC 301-2019, 380-2019, and ANSI/RESNET/ACCA 310-2020; and perform inspections and testing for the ICC Energy Code Prescriptive, UA, Cost Performance, and ERI compliance paths. They are NOT qualified to perform verifications, testing, or software analysis on ENERGY STAR certified homes.
International Verifier, Level 1
Individuals certified will have the understanding of building science fundamentals, air sealing and insulation inspections, and how to perform air infiltration and duct leakage tests, in order to comply with the GBCI LEED Addenda #10443.
International Verifier, Level 2
Individuals certified will have the understanding of building science fundamentals, air sealing and insulation inspections, and practically demonstrated their ability to perform air infiltration and duct leakage tests, in order to comply with the GBCI LEED Addenda #10443.