Frequently Asked Questions

Visit the F.A.Q. page to see what questions we regularly encounter

Is BSI approved by RESNET®?

Building Science Institute, Ltd. Co., is not a RESNET®-accredited QA Provider. We are an independent quality management organization recognized by the EPA as an ENERGY STAR® Home Certification Organization. That means we are a competing organization to RESNET® – the professional alternative to RESNET®.

I’m currently a Rater, can I work with BSI?

BSI does not have exclusivity in our contracts. Rating companies can sign a contract with BSI for quality management oversight on Energy Rating and ENERGY STAR certifications.

Do you have QA Providers?

BSI’s Quality Management System (QMS) has removed the provider system. You will not compete with your QA Provider, as oversight is performed by BSI’s independent Quality Auditors or an internal quality audit team overseen by BSI.

How do I earn CEUs?

You can earn CEUs through the Building Science Education platform (included in a contract with BSI), or attend professional development events, seminars, or workshops.

I already have a certification, do I have to start from scratch?

BSI offers reciprocity for certifications and professional licenses you have already earned. We do not require individuals to “start from scratch”. During the on-boarding process we review each Verifier and provide a provisional certification status, allowing 12 months to meet any outstanding requirements.

I want to sign a contract with BSI, where do I start?

We maintain an application process with a limited number of contracts signed every month. Companies need to submit an application, agree to a proposal, and sign a contract prior to on-boarding.

What software does BSI use?

Building Science Institute’s software partner is HouseRater, an integrated platform that combines field data collection, supporting documentation, and energy modeling. It uses the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s EnergyPlus OS-ERI calculation engine to generate the ANSI 301 Energy Rating Index and ENERGY STAR compliance.

Does BSI allow for sampling?

BSI only allows sampling for multifamily dwelling units. Single-family dwelling units (detached, duplex, townhouse) are not eligible for sampling.

Does that mean BSI is an alternative to RESNET®?

Yes, Building Science Institute is a Quality Management Organization that provides oversight on ENERGY STAR certifications and energy ratings. We are the professional alternative to RESNET®.

Can I keep registering projects with RESNET®?

If a Rating company opts to continue submitting projects to their RESNET®-accredited QA Provider, those projects will be overseen by that QA Provider. BSI will only provide oversight on projects submitted to BSI.

Do you have training providers?

All training and certification is included in a contract with BSI, delivered through our online training platform, Building Science Education. Please note, we require the IECC Residential Plans Examiner / Inspector certification, which must be earned through the ICC.

Wait, do I have to pay BSI for approval of CEUs?

No – if you attend a professional development event, seminar, or workshop, simply provide proof of completion to BSI and we will recognize those CEUs.

What about ENERGY STAR certification?

If you have not yet successfully completed the ENERGY STAR Single-Family New Construction workshop and exam, you will need to complete the workshop & exam prior to signing a partnership agreement with the ENERGY STAR New Homes Program. Once you have that, you can then complete the Multifamily New Construction workshop and participate in that certification program as well.

Can I keep using RESNET®-accredited software tools?

RESNET®‘s software accreditation agreement disallows non-RESNET® organizations from licensing those software tools. If you maintain your credentials with RESNET®, you can continue using the software tools. BSI does NOT use any of the RESNET®-accredited software tools.

Can I import existing or template energy models into HouseRater?

Yes, HouseRater can import both REM and HP XML file types.

How does BSI’s sampling protocol work?

BSI’s sampling protocol is based on the ANSI Standard for Sampling. Rather than allowing for “sampled items”, the multiple sampling plan uses a tested unit as the baseline for a sample set.

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